adventure from coast to summit
Cross-Training through Adventure Activity
As a coach, trainer or instructor you will recognise and know through your experience the immediate benefits of Cross-training.
Outdoor Adventure Scotland can devise with you a bespoke programme of one or more sessions using Climbing, Trail Biking, Initiative and Problem-solving activities which will be designed to engage, enhance and enthuse your sportsmen and women.
We have identified these primary outcomes from engaging with adventurous activity:
Enhances motivation and refreshes attitudes to training
Contributes to improving running fitness (speed and endurance)
Engages a greater range of movement
Develops confidence in attempting new skills
Provides a break-out from main training programme
Injury Prevention & Active recovery (we will coordinate this with your Team Physiotherapists)
and, most importantly, enables a shared & enjoyable 'new' experience for team members
....'Train and play through adventure: choose Outdoor Adventure Scotland!'