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adventure from coast to summit
Conditions and Terms of Booking.
Please note: The conditions written here are the principal terms of any booking or contract for my service and they have been written in simple language to help establish our work with you.
The initials, OAS, will be used to refer to Andy Cloquet and any Instructor / Leader appointed to run your event.
By engaging (voluntary or purchased) a service from OAS you are agreeing to these terms.
Whoever is making a booking, whether it is for yourself as a private booking, for your school, local authority or independent organisation you will be named throughout all documentation. You will be purchasing services from Outdoor Adventure Scotland (OAS).
OAS will provide you with clear details of what you are purchasing before agreement is made on the service, including professional fees, preparation, risk assessment, site recce and any materials & supplies required in the provision of the service.
OAS will not incur any liability to you if there is any failure to provide the services described in any documentation due to any circumstances or conditions beyond the reasonable control of OAS and the full fee will remain payable in full.
OAS will not incur any liability to you if your event is altered, curtailed or abandoned owing to a physical or psychological issue which you have not disclosed fully to OAS prior to the event and require, in the judgement of OAS, any significant change, disruption or abandonment of an event. OAS will make all reasonable efforts to ensure your safety and well being, including alerting, and where necessary engaging, appropriate emergency and/or support services.
All fees will remain fully payable following any alteration, curtailment or abandonment of an event.
Planning, preparation and purchase of appropriate materials will begin after your school, local authority or independent organisation has confirmed in writing your agreement of the service and the total costs. Any changes made to the service, materials or supplies will be noted and fees adjusted to accommodate these changes. OAS will send you an update of fees.
OAS will require either a Deposit of up to 30% of fees or full payment depending on when your service is to be provided. OAS will only be return your Deposit should an unlikely change of circumstances mean that OAS has to cancel the booking.
OAS will send you confirmation of the details of your booking and your payments.
If you cancel your booking within and including seven days of the booking taking place, your Deposit will not be re-funded and you agree to pay 60% of the total booking cost of service fees and materials.
If OAS makes an informed decision and judges that the weather or other environmental conditions need a change to the itinerary then OAS will make appropriate changes even if it means the original plan has to be changed. OAS has to have this flexibility as everyone's safety and welfare is the most important aspect of our work. Such changes may be made before or during the event.
OAS will tell you clearly why the changes are being recommended and what the likely revised itinerary is. Please note that weather is only one of the criteria which will affect decision-making.
The person making a private booking or on behalf of your school, local authority or independent organisation is obliged to pay and, where appropriate, make adequate arrangements for any facility charges which are incurred in the planning and preparation of OAS providing the agreed service and materials.
The payee and/or booking organiser will receive an invoice for the balance of fees and materials which your school, local authority or independent organisation has agreed to pay. You are also agreeing to pay the invoice for the balance of fees and materials within 15 working days of the service being provided.
Payment after this period will incur a charge of an additional 5% of the total invoice (Deposit + final payment + 5%) and an additional 5% of the total invoice for services and materials for each part or full calendar month after the first month.
In addition to these terms, your school, local authority or independent organisation will receive a quotation or estimate which will include any particular conditions and terms specific to your booking. Prices and fees will be different from those advertised throughout the website to reflect the additional administration required to comply with necessary financial compliance.
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